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Recent Posts for sale at $200,000

Kevin Murphy, February 20, 2015, 12:45:41 (UTC), Domain Sales

Remember when sold for $13 million?
The owner of, which according to Whois is Amsterdam-based Quattro Media Co, has put the domain on the market with a buy-it-now price of $200,000.
That’s according to Heritage Auctions, which says it is managing the sale.
There are no buyer’s fees associated with the offer, HA said in an email blast.
Given there’s only one letter difference between and, you’d imagine that the .co benefits from a fair bit of typo traffic. The domain is currently parked.
For sale at less than 2% of the price that went for back in 2010, would $200,000 be a bit of a bargain?

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Comments (2)

  1. Tom says:

    .co used to be $29.99, not I see them on sale for $8

  2. Donny says:

    I have a one word generic .co at flippa, if it does not get over a grand then that will tell me where the .co market is and going.
    I would except a .co to be at 1-2% of the .com but it may be headed lower.

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