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Go Daddy files for patent on available domain ads

Kevin Murphy, September 2, 2010, 13:36:31 (UTC), Domain Tech

Go Daddy has applied for a US patent on a system that automatically inserts available domain names into banner ads based on the dynamic content of a web page.
The application “Generating online advertisements based upon available dynamic content relevant domain names” was filed in February 2009 and published today.
The patent would cover a way to analyze the content of a web page, perhaps using image identification technology, then generate keywords and check for available domain names to put in the ad.
Instead of a standard Go Daddy banner, visitors to a web page would be shown a custom ad offering an available or aftermarket domains relevant to the content of the page.
The application also seems to cover an API whereby an advertising network, such as Google, would also be able to offer available domains via Adsense.

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Comments (2)

  1. andrew says:

    Looks like they applied for 5 related patents in total, including 2 that are related to doing the same thing in online videos. Interesting.

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