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ICANN going to Panama for 56th meeting

Kevin Murphy, October 1, 2015, 11:46:47 (UTC), Domain Policy

Panama has been selected as the venue for ICANN’s 56th public meeting.
The ICANN board of directors approved the location a few days ago.
The meeting will be held in June next year in Panama City.
ICANN 56 falls between the March meeting in Marrakech, Morocco and October’s meeting in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
The final meeting of 2015 happens in Dublin, Ireland in a couple of weeks.
The structure of ICANN meetings changes next year, so the Panama gathering will be the first example of a four-day schedule that eschews traditional sessions such as the opening ceremony and public forum.

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Comments (3)

  1. John Berryhill says:

    I hope it includes a guided bus tour of Panamanian WHOIS privacy street addresses!

  2. So ICANN 55 is Puerto Rico (because Puerto Rico is North-American), ICANN 56 is in Panama (Latin-America), what about ICANN 57 at the Aruba (European) and continue to organise all future ICANN meetings in this region of a few square kilometers?

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