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A third of mayoral candidates using .london domains

Kevin Murphy, May 5, 2016, 10:51:58 (UTC), Domain Registries

Londoners are going to the polls today to select a new mayor so, as a Londoner, I thought I’d check out how many of the candidates are supporting the local domain name.
Turns out four of the 12 candidates have registered .london domains for their campaign sites.
The four are favorite Sadiq Khan (Labour), Sian Berry (Green), Peter Whittle (UK Independence Party) and Prince John Zylinski (damned if I know).
The remaining candidates, if they have dedicated sites at all, use a mixture of .com, .org and .net domains. Not a .uk to be seen.
Will this influence anybody’s vote? No. Has it raised the profile of .london domains? Probably.
Whoever wins the election will find themselves with a degree of control over the future of .london.
While the registry is basically managed by Minds + Machines, the ICANN contract is held by London & Partners, a not-for-profit promotional agency funded by the mayor’s office. The mayor is also a partner in the endeavor.
The M+M outsourcing contract was recently renegotiated in light of M+M’s financial woes, but details have not been made available.

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Comments (2)

  1. Rex says:

    We think it’s higher than that really.
    We wrote a blog post about the use of domain name in the Mayoral contest yesterday:

    • Kevin Murphy says:

      Thanks. Seems I missed Galloway. But his .london site doesn’t show up in the top 100 hits with a Google search for his name, so I doubt I’m the only one.

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