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.blog launch date and pricing revealed

Kevin Murphy, July 8, 2016, 17:56:46 (UTC), Domain Registries

The new gTLD .blog will go to general availability in November with a wholesale price tag of $20, it was revealed today.
The registry, Knock Knock Whois There, told registrars that sunrise will kick off August 18 and run for 60 days with a $130 price tag. Disputed sunrise domains will go to auction.
Landrush will follow for a week from November 2 with a $130 application fee and auctions for contested domains a week later.
General availability is then due to begin November 21, with a registry fee of $20.
There will be tiered pricing on reserved “premium” names.
The registry does not seem to have ruled out an Early Access Period either.
This is all fairly consistent with KKWT’s previous statements that its pricing and launch structure will be in line with current industry norms.
The registry is owned by Automattic, the company behind the WordPress blogging software and service.
It emerged as the surprise secret backer of original applicant Primer Nivel earlier this year, following a $19 million auction win.

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Comments (5)

  1. M. Menius says:

    I hope the .blog launch turns out very successful for Automattic. WordPress is a great platform, and self-publishing will remain important to the internet for many years to come.

  2. Mike says:

    They going to reserve all single and double letter names, right? …and most of great names probably as well. It is a shame :-/

  3. Awesome! Automattic is a progressive company and I am sure it will disrupt the industry in a positive way – showing other players in the space “the way to do it”….
    Democratize publishing so everyone gets a chance to tell their story…
    Way to go Automattic!

  4. YamadaMedia says:

    Was hoping for lower prices but I guess they are aiming at .CO strategy. Charge more and “use it or lose it.”

    • Andy says:

      If you miss the opportunity to grab the .blog during the launch last year, you can now own it at $4.99 on your first year of registration. Grab it at
      We are doing this offer as part of the effort to support the .blog launch anniversary and WorldWide WordCamp.
      It’s a limited time promo ending this month.

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