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ICANN attendance shrank in Denmark

Kevin Murphy, April 25, 2017, 12:39:06 (UTC), Domain Policy

Attendance at ICANN’s recent meeting in Copenhagen was down about 8% on the comparable meeting a year earlier in Marrakech, according to ICANN statistics.
There were 2,089 at the Denmark meeting, down from 2,273 reported a year ago in Morocco.
The decline appears to be largely a result of relatively lower local participation. Africa is usually under-represented at ICANN meetings, but there was a surge in Marrakech, with almost 956 attendees hailing from the continent.
About half of Copenhagen participants — 1,012 people, of which 417 were first-timers — were European.
The number of remote participation attendees was much higher in Copenhagen. ICANN counted 4,428 unique users logging into Adobe Connect meeting rooms, compared to 3,458 in Marrakech.
Both Copenhagen and Marrakech, ICANNs 55 and 58, are designated as “community forums”, meaning they follow the traditional ICANN schedule. ICANN 56 was a shorter, policy-focused meeting and ICANN 57 was a longer meeting with a focus on outreach.
The stats for Copenhagen can be downloaded here (pdf).

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