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.blog tops 100,000 names, 66,500 blogs

Kevin Murphy, July 26, 2017, 11:50:36 (UTC), Domain Registries

The new gTLD .blog has gone through the 100,000 registered domain mark, according to its registry.
Knock Knock Whois There said that the milestone was reached with the registration of today.
It’s a pretty good start for the gTLD, which went into general availability last November, making for an average of 12,500 names added per month.
While KKWT has offered discounts and volume incentives to registrars, its wholesale prices have not approached levels low enough to start attracting abusive use en masse. We’re talking around the $8 mark at the cheapest, I hear.
In fact, the registry said today that it reckons 66.5% of its domains — 66,500, in other words — “have a unique website associated with them”, compared with an industry average under 40%.
Both of those statistics seem to have been supplied by Pandalytics, the DomainsBot service to which KKWT subscribes, and do not appear to be publicly available.
If accurate, 66.5% usage is a much better statistic to brag about than 100,000 registrations, in my view. Usage, of course, drives the virtuous circle that leads to more sales.

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Comments (3)

  1. OwlDomains says:

    They said they were going to do 250,000 registrations during the 2016 launch.
    Still short of that goal.

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