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Afilias gets Guinness record for .au migration

Kevin Murphy, September 18, 2018, 20:58:29 (UTC), Domain Registries

Afilias has got its recent takeover of .au recognized by Guinness as an official world record.
The company was given the title of “Largest Migration of an Internet Top-Level Domain in a Single Transition” at an event in New York today, according to a company press release.
It relates to its migration of .au from former registry provider Neustar to its own back-end a few months ago.
Australia’s .au ccTLD had about 3.1 million names under management at the time, about 400,000 names more than the previous record — the 2003 .org transition Afilias also handled.
I understand there’s a licensing fee due to Guinness for this kind of (let’s face it) shameless-but-effective PR stunt, but no guarantee the record will actually be printed in future editions of the annual Guinness Book of World Records.
I hope the fresh salt in Neustar’s wounds isn’t stinging too badly this evening.

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