World’s youngest country launches its Nazi-risk TLD next week
South Sudan is gearing up to launch its controversial top-level domain, .ss, on Monday.
It’s being run by the National Communication Authority for the country, which was founded in 2011 after its split from Sudan and is the world’s youngest nation.
As I noted back then, while SS was the natural and obvious choice of ISO country code, it’s potentially controversial due to the risk of it being used by modern-day Nazis in honor of Hitler’s Schutzstaffel.
Arguably, the risk nine years later is even greater due to the rise of the populist, nationalist right around the world.
So some readers may be pleased to hear that the registry is playing its launch by the book, starting with a sunrise period from June 1 to July 15. Trademark owners will have to show proof of ownership.
I’m sure Hugo Boss already has an intern with a checkbook, trademark certificate and sleeping bag outside the registry’s HQ, to be sure to be first in line on Monday.
Sunrise will be followed by a landrush period from July 17 to August 17, during which names can be acquired for a premium fee.
Immediately after that there’ll be an early access period, from August 19 to August 29, with more premium fees. General availability will begin September 1.
Perhaps surprisingly, given the direction other ccTLDs have been taking over the last decade, South Sudan has opted for a three-level structure, with registrations possible under,,,,,, and
The com/net/biz/me versions are open to all. The others require some proof that the registrant belongs to the specific category.
The registry says it plans to make direct second-level regs available “at a later date”.
Getting your hands on a .ss domain may prove difficult.
Trademark owners won’t be able to use their regular corporate registrar (at least not directly) as NCA is only currently accredited South Sudan-based registrars. So far, only two have been accredited. Neither are also ICANN-accredited.
One is rather unfortunately called JuHub. It’s apparently using a free domain from Freenom’s .ml (Mali) and is listed as having its email at Gmail, which may not inspire confidence. Its web site does not resolve for me.
The other is NamesForUs, which is already taking pre-registration requests. No pricing is available.
The registry’s web site has also been down for most of today, and appears to have been hacked by a CBD splogger at some point, neither of which bodes well.
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Ain’t that Some Shit?
As a Jew with a very small family due to the holocaust, I’m not at all bothered or concerned by .ss. Anti-semitism and hate of all kinds will always exist – it’s human nature. Let’s not worry about the nationalists using .ss. It’s fine. Good luck with mail delivery in .ss.
I did laugh out loud at JuHub. That’s funny.
Better than some we know….
Can’t see it being a problem. You can find a negative connotation for most terms out there. I wonder if will be able to get in early for their second level rego?
Registrations for Sunrise are now available at
This is what you write about for a gTLD? What the hell is wrong with you?