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New Russian TLD is a smash hit

Kevin Murphy, November 11, 2010, 16:14:32 (UTC), Domain Registries

Russia’s new Cyrillic top-level domain, .РФ, has gone down a storm, beating even the recent launch of .co in terms of the speed of first-day registrations.
The Russian registry is reporting that it broke through the 200,000 domains mark within the first six hours, after it opened its doors at noon local time today.
By my calculations, that’s less than half the time it took .co to hit the same benchmark, despite the fact that .co did not have the same residency requirements as .РФ.
Andrei Kolesnikov, director of the CCTLD Coordination Center, which runs the domain, told the GNSO Council mailing list:

This clearly demonstrates a great demand for domains in national languages and proves Russia’s position as a leader in terms of the dynamic of TLD launch.

There were already 18,000 .РФ domains before the floodgates opened this afternoon, following a sunrise period for trademark owners.
The TLD transliterates as .rf, for Russian Federation. The country has 142 million citizens and is believed to have almost 60 million internet users. The .ru namespace has about three million domains.

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Comments (13)

  1. Mike Law says:

    Impressive, thanks for the update..

  2. andrew says:

    did they automatically give some to people who owned the equivalent .ru? that might explain some of it.

  3. MS says:

    @Andrew, They gave no rights to .ru registrants.
    Also, This is after a sunrise period which took place several months and contained several stages where thousands of domains were reserved for the Russian government, various TM holders and advertising agencies.

  4. Domains Market is piece of shit. IMHO the most domains don’t have any value, expacially IDN/

  5. hugh says:

    @ Lukasz Juniak
    Lukasz, remember please, that the most people buy domains for their online presence, not for trading like probably You. Domains were primary introduced not to create domain marketplace! Don’t you get it?

  6. Wow..that looks like a lot of dictionary words
    Would be interesting to see the registrant to domain ratio and how many of those domains point to valid sites
    Kudos to the registry for a stellar launch!

  7. […] investigation certainly takes the gloss off the launch, which has so far racked up well over 500,000 registered domains and was put forth as case study […]

  8. […] on the launch of the Cyrillic-script ccTLD last November, which saw over 200,000 registrations in the first six hours and half a million domains registered in the first few […]

  9. […] of the Cyrillic-script ccTLD last November, which noticed around two hundred,000 registrations in the very first six hours and 50 % a million domains registered in the very first handful of […]

  10. […] of the Cyrillic-script ccTLD final November, which observed around two hundred,000 registrations in the 1st 6 hours and 50 % a million domains registered in the first number of […]

  11. […] of the Cyrillic-script ccTLD previous November, which observed above two hundred,000 registrations in the 1st six hrs and half a million domains registered in the first handful of […]

  12. […] on the start of the Cyrillic-script ccTLD last November, which noticed above 200,000 registrations in the first six hours and fifty percent a million domains registered in the very first handful of […]

  13. […] of the Cyrillic-script ccTLD very last November, which saw over two hundred,000 registrations in the initial six several hours and 50 percent a million domains registered in the 1st couple of […]

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