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Olympics: Australia preemptively blocking Brisbane 2032 regs

Kevin Murphy, July 28, 2021, 19:58:53 (UTC), Domain Registries

With the venue for the 2032 Olympic Games revealed as Brisbane, Australia last week, the .au registry this week asked people to stop trying to register Olympics-related domains, because they won’t work.

Local ccTLD registry overseer auDA said in a blog post that it’s seen a spike in attempts to register domains containing the string “olympics” and variants since the announcement was made a week ago.

But these strings are on auDA’s reserved list, which cannot be registered even as substrings without government permission. Only the Australian Olympic Committee is allowed to register such domains.

According to auDA, the protected strings are: olympic, olympics, olympicgames, olympiad and olympiads.

It’s a more comprehensive approach to protecting Olympic “trademarks” (for want of a better word) than that employed by ICANN in its gTLD registry contracts, where the various Olympic and Red Cross/Crescent organizations are among a privileged few to enjoy unique protections.

ICANN only requires registries to block the exact-match string from registration, while auDA will block substrings also.

auDA says the domain “” would be blocked. It would not in any ICANN gTLD.

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Comments (2)

  1. Yanqui go home says:

    CORRECTION REQUIRED: to olympiCgames?

    “According to auDA, the protected strings are: olympic, olympics, olympigames, olympiad and olympiads.”

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