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ICANN director picks for 2021 revealed

Kevin Murphy, August 19, 2021, 12:25:14 (UTC), Domain Policy

ICANN’s Nominating Committee has revealed its three picks for the organization’s board of directors, with one member been swapped out for a newcomer.

Lito Ibarra will be replaced by Edmon Chung, while Danko Jevtović and Tripti Sinha see their seats kept safe for their respective second three-year terms.

Ibarra works for El Salvador’s .sv top-level domain registry and represented the Latin America region on the board. By the time the handover occurs in October, he will have served two of his possible three-year terms.

He’s being replaced by Chung, a long-time industry and ICANN participant perhaps best known as the CEO of DotAsia, which runs .asia. As you might expect, he represents the Asia-Pacific region.

While the appointments clearly alter the regional mix somewhat, they equally clearly do nothing to tilt the gender balance on the male-heavy board, which ICANN has stated is a desirable goal for NomCom.

NomCom also revealed its picks for two members of the GNSO Council, one member of the ccNSO Council and three members of the At-Large Advisory Committee, which include some familiar names.

NomCom said it had 116 applications in total, over half of which came from Africa and Asia-Pac.

For the first time since 2006, ICANN did not disclose the gender mix of the applicants. It’s not clear why.

The full list of successful applicants can be found here.

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Comments (3)

  1. Ole J. Jacobsen says:

    No, we published the gender stats in MARCH when the application period closed. They should have been included in the August 17 announcement too, but it was not an attempt to hide any information.

    • Kevin Murphy says:

      Thanks Ole. I appreciate that you were not trying to hide any information back in March. It’s quite possible that ICANN PR was trying to hide that information this month.

      • Ole J. Jacobsen says:

        I assure you that nobody was trying to hide that information at any point in time. The information is NOT published by “ICANN PR” beyond their role in making the web posting. Had they received the gender info as part of the prepared announcement they would have published it! I have no idea why you would think otherwise.

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