ICANN throws out prostitution complaint
ICANN has rejected a complaint from a man about a web site apparently offering prostitution services.
As I reported last month, the American had filed a Request for Reconsideration with ICANN’s board of directors after his complaints to Compliance about Namecheap were rejected.
He’s unhappy that US-based Namecheap won’t take down the domain adultsearch.com, which operates as a marketplace for sex workers, many of whom are offering services that may well be illegal in most parts of the US.
But ICANN’s Board Governance Committee rejected the complaint (pdf) for lack of standing.
While the ruling is procedural, rather than substantive, the BGC does spend quite a lot of time tying itself in knots to show that while the complainant may well believe prostitution is harmful to society in general, he failed to state how he, specifically, had been harmed.
The decision also directly references the part of the request the requester has specifically asked to be redacted (but was not).
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And make sure to read my comments there, folks. The guy was behaving like a jackass.
God has not called people to that kind of behavior. He’s called them to a lot of things, but not that, and that position is biblically wrong to begin with as well.