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Domainers grumble as GoDaddy cranks up commission fees

Kevin Murphy, January 5, 2023, 12:01:02 (UTC), Domain Registrars

GoDaddy has “simplified” its commission structure across three secondary-market acquisitions, leading in many cases to domainers making less money in future from their sales.

The company said there will now be a standard 25% commission across its Afternic, Uniregistry and Dan aftermarkets, which will be reduced to 15% if domainers use GoDaddy’s name servers (and therefore landing pages).

The move prompted online grumbles from customers of Dan, which GoDaddy acquired last year. They’d been paying 9% commission on their sales, so they’re losing out no matter what name servers they use.

The low commissions had proven a draw for domainers prior to the acquisition, and the increase was widely expected following the acquisition last June.

It’s better news for Afternic customers, who were paying 20%. GoDaddy cherry-picked some data to suggest domainers could come out slightly ahead, depending on their mix of sales marketplaces.

The changes are effective February 1.

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Comments (1)

  1. John says:

    There are several alternatives. I have been using for last 3 years. A london based start-up , but they are good in service and payout times. Although cant comparable to GD brand value, a bit of alternative option for those too worry about pricing part.

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