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Coalition complains to ICANN about

Kevin Murphy, January 10, 2011, 16:00:07 (UTC), Domain Registries

The .JOBS Charter Compliance Coalition thinks Employ Media is violating its own policies by allowing to be launched, and has complained to ICANN.
Coalition chief John Bell said the group, which comprises jobs sites such as and, “filed a formal notice” with ICANN’s compliance department December 17.
That was just one week after ICANN’s board of directors, at the Cartagena meeting, passed a resolution calling for ICANN staff to “closely monitor” the registry for charter violations.
“We are confident that ICANN is taking our claims seriously and we are looking forward to a favorable decision,” Bell said. was turned on by the DirectEmployers Association last week, using hundreds of generic domains, after ICANN give the registry the all-clear to start selling non-company-name domains.
The issue is whether this independent jobs board, which is fed traffic from domains such as, and, is a permissible use of .jobs domains.
The Coalition thinks it isn’t. Employ Media thinks it is.
The Coalition has also apparently complained about, another employer-independent jobs site, on behalf of

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Comments (1)

  1. […] It accused ICANN of bending to the wishes of the .JOBS Charter Compliance Coalition, a group of independent jobs sites operators that had objected to […]

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