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ICANN chair expects more new TLDs delay

Kevin Murphy, February 3, 2011, 10:55:21 (UTC), Domain Registries

ICANN’s new top-level domains program is unlikely to be approved at its San Francisco meeting next month, according to chairman Peter Dengate Thrush.
“We don’t think we’ll be able to approve the final applicant guidebook in March,” he said in a new interview with World Trademark Review.
This confirms my suspicion that changes to the Guidebook made following the upcoming meeting between ICANN and its Governmental Advisory Committee may be too extensive for ICANN to rubber-stamp without first consulting the community.
The ICANN board and the GAC are due to meet in Brussels, February 28 and March 1, to discuss the GAC’s outstanding concerns.
Chief among these concerns is trademark protection, where the GAC is pretty much aligned with the interests of the intellectual property constituency.
Brussels will also cover matters such as geographic names protection and procedures for dealing with controversial strings that governments may want to object to.
While ICANN is under no obligation to adopt the GAC’s suggestions wholesale, if it makes substantial concessions its bylaws will likely demand more public comment on the changes.
ICANN’s board indicated last week that it plans to tell the GAC where it disagrees with its advice at a consultation March 17, one day before its San Francisco meeting.
It also said that it plans to approve a Guidebook “as close as practically possible to the form as set out in the Proposed Final Applicant Guidebook” published in November.
UPDATE: I had an opportunity to put Dengate Thrush’s comments to ICANN CEO Rod Beckstrom this afternoon. He said: “I’m not going to forecast when the final Applicant Guidebook will be approved.”

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Comments (11)

  1. […] ICANN ← Historia y estado actual de los nombres de dominio en el mundo […]

  2. JM says:

    I suppose in the meantime we could fill in?
    24-29 June 2012 will be in Europe. Chair will have left and new chair will have had time to grapple with the process. Will be last meeting of CEO’s first term as well.
    Any other predictions?

  3. JM says:

    Icann should probably update its FAQ 7.1 from:
    ICANN expects to open the application period in 2010, following the publication of the final Applicant Guidebook.
    We’re not going to forecast when the final Applicant Guidebook will be approved.

  4. Raj Alla says:

    This is bullshit. I am not going to put my money and trust on ICANN at all.
    I am sure people says never depend on ICANN, but this time big YES.
    I spend around $40K around this new TLD business.

  5. MS says:

    Internationalized versions of existing gTLD’s should not continue to be held ‘hostage’ under the overall new gTLD process.

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  7. […] : This entry was posted in ICANN. Bookmark the permalink. ← Histoire et état actuel des […]

  8. […] unlikely ICANN would greenlight the new TLD applicant guidebook in March. It appears we now have confirmation of […]

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