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Wanted: official ICANN tweeter

Kevin Murphy, February 19, 2011, 16:30:15 (UTC), Domain Policy

ICANN is looking to beef up its media relations department, and has put out its feelers for someone to take over its Twitter and Facebook accounts.
The organization has posted a job opening to its hiring page for a media and marketing coordinator, reporting to director of marketing and outreach Scott Pinzon and head flack Brad White.
Responsibilities include writing “blogs, tweets, and status updates on ICANNā€™s behalf for Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and other platforms”.
I believe that currently @ICANN is usually authored by Pinzon.
The role also includes more traditional media relations activities, such as writing press releases and fielding calls from journalists and bloggers.
ICANN has also started looking to fill an opening for a publications manager for its marketing department. I believe both positions are new.
Also of note: ICANN is no longer advertising for a compliance director, raising hopes in some quarters that it has finally found a replacement for David Giza, who left unexpectedly last July. UPDATE: it’s back.

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Comments (3)

  1. Michele says:

    Kieren used to manage all of those elements when he was in ICANN.
    I think he actually mentioned these roles in his report when he left, but ICANN didn’t act on his recommendations.

  2. Mike says:

    Director of Marketing and Outreach? Outreach? Oh please. Is that like “reaching out” to someone? If another person says they’re going to “reach out” to me, I am going to REACH OUT right back at them.

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