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ICANN names compliance chief

Kevin Murphy, March 15, 2011, 22:46:09 (UTC), Domain Policy

ICANN has found itself a new senior director of contractual compliance, nine months after the post was vacated.
Maguy Serad, most recently with Nissan North America, starts April 4 at ICANN’s headquarters in Marina Del Rey, California.
She’s apparently a Black Belt Six-Sigma (don’t worry, that’s a real thing), Liberian by birth and currently a Lebanese citizen. She speaks English, French and Arabic.
ICANN has also hired Colombian intellectual property lawyer Carlos Alvarez as a new contractual compliance manager/auditor. He has a history in initiatives fighting software piracy and child pornography.
The timing of the hires means ICANN has probably dodged a bullet.
There have been grumblings in some parts of the ICANN community about the vacant compliance posts for some months, and some stakeholders here at the San Francisco meeting planned to make their feelings known to ICANN’s senior staff and board.
ICANN’s compliance team is responsible for monitoring and enforcing ICANN’s contracts with registries and registrars, which will become a lot more important when the new top-level domains program kicks off.

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Comments (2)

  1. Ha! Kevin, too funny when worlds collide.
    She’s a “Six Sigma Black Belt,” of which there are tens of thousands around the world. My last publishing company focused on this industry. For anyone interested, you can read to your heart’s content about Six Sigma at

  2. […] by the Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technologies and Communication Parvan Rusinov. ICANN Names Compliance Chief – 16-Mar-15ICANN has found itself a new senior director of contractual compliance, nine […]

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