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Recent Posts’s registrar service: Slow cookin’ makes good eatin’

Kevin Murphy, September 26, 2011, 05:31:15 (UTC), Domain Registrars provider Automattic has not abandoned its plans to start offering domain names directly to its users, according to its lead developer.
It’s been about 11 months since the company received its ICANN accreditation, but it is currently still acting as a Go Daddy reseller.
“Our registry product is still under development,” Automattic founder and chief barbecue taste tester (really) Matt Mullenweg said in an email. “Slow cookin’ makes good eatin’.” announced last week that it would start offering .me domains, alongside .com, .org, and .net, saying it would give users a better chance to get a domain they liked.
The .me registry, Domen, is a joint venture whose partners include Go Daddy and Afilias.
“GoDaddy is a valued partner and we continue to use many of their services as part of our business,” Mullenweg added.
Domain names are’s best-selling add-on product. According to DomainTools, over 226,000 domains are hosted on the same servers as

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