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.xxx faces big test as landrush kicks off

Kevin Murphy, November 8, 2011, 11:40:31 (UTC), Domain Registries

The landrush phase for ICM Registry’s .xxx domain is scheduled to begin today, following the oversubscribed sunrise period that closed last week.
Given the inherently defensive nature of sunrise periods – most of the almost 80,000 applications were for non-resolving domains – landrush is the first big test of public demand for working .xxx names.
I expect healthy interest from domainers, despite the relatively high price of landrush registrations.
High-profile investors including Frank Schilling and Mike Berkens have already invested seven figures in .xxx via its Founders Program, which may set the tone for the rest of the community.
The landrush period runs until November 25. Contested domains will go to auction in December. General availability is currently scheduled to begin December 7.
Domain Name Wire has compiled a handy guide to the best-priced landrush registrars.

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