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Introducing DomainIncite PRO

Kevin Murphy, January 11, 2012, 15:38:20 (UTC), Domain Services

As you know, today is a Big Day in the domain name industry.
That’s right, today’s the day that I’m excited to announce the launch of DomainIncite PRO, the industry’s newest research and analysis service.
DomainIncite PRO is a DI sister site providing in-depth coverage of industry trends, company case studies, and analysis of ICANN’s new generic top-level domains program as it begins to roll out.
I hope the service will quickly become the domain name industry’s premier source of independent research and objective, vendor-neutral analysis.
Let me assure you that regular DI is not going anywhere. This blog will continue to break the latest domain name news, in our unique style, at least five days a week.
While DI will continue to publish shorter news articles, DomainIncite PRO will carry white papers in the 1,500 to 3,000-word range, often accompanied by downloadable data.
Some highlights of the content available to PRO subscribers today:

Five thousand strings that could get your gTLD application rejected
This paper analyzes a wide variety of scenarios in which new gTLD strings could be rejected by ICANN and provides a downloadable spreadsheet of over 5,000 specific banned strings — including brands, abbreviations and generic terms — that could cause an application to fall at the first hurdle.
How .CO Internet relaunched Colombia’s .co registry
This case study looks at .CO Internet’s strategy in the run-up to .co’s launch and during its first year of operations, exploring its successes and failures with regards marketing, sales, channel partnerships and trademark protection.
Domain name sales price database
To help new gTLD applicants with their premium domain name pricing strategies, we’re making available a database of almost 60,000 domain name sales prices that can be used as a helpful pricing reference.

There’s also a free downloadable white paper about new gTLDs written with absolute newbies in mind.
Expect to see a lot more content, with a big focus on new gTLDs, to start appearing soon.
In the near future, DomainIncite PRO will also begin to carry in-depth data-driven market share analysis of the existing gTLD registry space. This coverage will be expanded to cover all new gTLDs when they begin to launch early next year.
We will also provide ongoing analysis of live policy development within ICANN, helping new community members navigate the minefield of acronyms, procedures and personalities.
While translating ICANN into plain English is one of my key goals, make no mistake: DomainIncite PRO is interested in politics only insofar as it affects businesses.
Don’t expect to find long, tedious reports about interminable internet governance debates, unless the outcome is likely to have a tangible impact on somebody’s bottom line.
I can reveal that DomainIncite PRO’s first contributing analyst is Adam Smith, World Trademark Review‘s well-respected former Senior Reporter.
Adam covered the development of the new gTLD program for WTR between 2008 and late 2011. He knows his stuff and I’m very grateful to have him on board.
I hope to add more writers in the near future (if you’re interested in contributing, please get in touch).
Now the bad news. This great content doesn’t come for free.
Memberships are available on an annual subscription basis, and it’s priced for a corporate wallet.
As it’s a new service, and because this post basically represents a “soft” launch for regular DomainIncite readers, the introductory price for single-user annual subscription is $799.
Multi-user company licenses are also available at a discounted rate upon request, but I do not currently anticipate offering trial subscriptions.
I think the content available today already offers a compelling ROI case.
If DomainIncite PRO sounds like something that could benefit your business, why not check it out for yourself right now?

If you find this post or this blog useful or interestjng, please support Domain Incite, the independent source of news, analysis and opinion for the domain name industry and ICANN community.


Comments (4)

  1. Abdu says:

    Congrats on launching the Pro membership! How does your Pro service compare with that of Dot-NXT’s Subscription? Perhaps you could briefly explain some of the key points.

  2. theo says:

    Good luck with DIP !
    Are you going to run an affiliate program ? And how much can i earn ? 😀

  3. gpmgroup says:

    As an excellent source of informed and unbiased advice anyone considering a new gTLD would be well advised to sign up for your professional membership.
    There’s a lot of “advice” out there and quite a bit of it comes from people seeking others to pay for the rose tinted spectacles they are currently wearing.
    Best of luck.

  4. David Taylor says:

    Nice move Kevin.

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