Today is your first new gTLD deadline
If you’re planning to apply to ICANN for more than one new generic top-level domain and you do not already have a TLD Application System account, today might be your last day to get one.
Go here to get one.
It’s been widely publicized that April 12 is the last day to file a new gTLD application with ICANN.
It’s also been widely publicized that March 29 is the last day to register an account with TAS, which is a prerequisite to filing an application.
A less well-known date is today, March 23, five business days before TAS closes to new registrants.
According to ICANN, organizations applying for more than one gTLD with the same TAS account need to get registered in TAS at least a week before registration closes.
ICANN said this today, in reply to a DI inquiry:
29 March is the deadline for registration.
This means applicants will have until 29 March to request an application.
If the applicant is a new user and wishes to submit only one application, the applicant may initiate and complete the application request on the same day (29 March for example).
If an applicant wishes to submit multiple applications, it will need to initiate the registration process several days in advance of the application window.
The reason being that only registered TAS users may request multiple applications.
The process for becoming a registered TAS user not only includes completing the application request as mentioned, but also the legal review, USD 5000 registration fee payment, reconciliation of the registration fee payment, and receipt of TAS login credentials.
ICANN announced a few weeks ago that “ICANN recommends that organizations wishing to submit several TLD applications under a single TAS user account complete steps 1 and 2 several days (e.g. 5 to 7 business days) in advance of 29 March.”
It seems that if you need to submit multiple new gTLD applications and you haven’t already, you will still be able to do so before March 29, as long as you file them under separate newly created TAS accounts.
But please don’t take my word for it. ICANN’s communications on this particular issue have not been great.
Go check out the official site or contact ICANN if you’re worried.
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Since there are 49 apps per account, anyone who has extra slots open and wants a 70% cut, give me a call. I’m sure nobody is using up all 49 in their account.
So, if you know anyone who needs a TLD app slot next week, send them to me and I’ll try to match you with an open one. Minimum $20,000 + 2% of your projected 5 year revenue up front.
Hi Kevin, yes sure I agree with you this is quite confusing. In fact I got shocked reading your article, but thanks for doing that, because we have new clients coming in that want to get an application in this first round and so I got concerned and called ICANN. Their support line initially did not know about the deadline and thought it was to give ample time, but after some pressure they decided to escalate the question. I still don’t understand the explanation I got, but this is how I see it:
It is because additional applications under the same account must also go through the legal check – so if your account is not ready for use (and hence enables you to request another application) prior to 29 March (which it will not be if you initiate setting it up on 29 March) then you simply cannot request that second, third, and forth application – and such request is required to be done by 29 March.
I agree with you, there could and should have been some more communication concerning this.
YES, I am interested in trying to get an unreasonable number of suckers to sign up for my silly gtld and in annually charging them far more than the price of a .com.
YES, I am interested in creating a new, longtail tld which will leak traffic like crazy and only help its .COM twin.
YES, I am interested in trying to trick investors into believing that hundreds of thousands of idiots (no, wait…millions!!!) will actually want to set up cyber businesses under our .CRAPOLLA tld when history has clearly shown that there is no interest.
YES, I am interested in offsetting promotional and advertising efforts of each of the Fortune 500 — all of which exclusively use .COM. I acknowledge that I will need to offset over 20 years of .COM brainwashing and am willing to certify that I have the trillions of dollars that will be needed to successfully do this.
YES, I am interested in obligating myself to an ICANN contract that makes no sense and am willing to blindly support this business which will most likely be hemmoraging money forevermore with no possible exit strategy. I am prepared to go down with the ship andsell blood and my wife’s jewelry if necessary since bankrupcy can not be an option.
YES, YES, YES…sign me up! I am very interested!