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Domainmonster joins 123-reg stable

Kevin Murphy, May 16, 2012, 17:38:53 (UTC), Domain Registrars

Mesh Digital, owner of the Domainmonster and Domainbox registrars, has been acquired by rival/partner Hosting Europe Group for an undisclosed sum.
Operating mainly in the UK and Germany, the buyer says it is the largest privately owned hosting company in Europe, already the owner of large registrars including 123-reg/Webfusion, a Mesh reseller.
“They’ve been a technology partner of ours for some time with the Domainbox product, so it’s the logical partner for us,” Mesh CEO Matt Mansell said.
“Our focus isn’t on hosting,” he added. “They’ll bring a good range of hosting and software-as-a-service products to our customers and we’ll bring good domain services to their customers.”
Mansell will join Host Europe as head of domain strategy.
The fact that new gTLDs are expected to launch next year was not a particular driver of the deal, he said.
With its new acquisition, Host Europe will have five million domains under management, according to the company.
Mesh, based in Godalming, UK (it’s 30 miles away and I’ve never heard of it either) has 15 employees and turnover of about $5 million, Mansell said.

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Comments (2)

  1. Acro says:

    Most frustrating registrar. No bulk edit tool for more than a year, so I moved my domains to EuroDNS.

  2. A. Mitchell says:

    DomainMonster carries inventory that is hard to obtain anywhere else. Their prices are competitive and their customer service excellent.
    Their biggest shortfall is the absence of an ACH/EFT payment gateway in the United States, so U.S. orders are processed with small fees for currency conversion.
    I like their no-risk pricing strategies for pre-launch reservations, which means I ultimately spend more, but come away with successful registrations. They’ve earned my business and I’m staying with them.

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