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Recent Posts writer Kieren McCarthy buys

Kevin Murphy, May 17, 2010, 19:29:09 (UTC), Domain Sales

If you’ve written a book called Sex.Com, what domain name do you use to promote it?
For former ICANN staffer Kieren McCarthy, the answer to that question is now, which he has just picked up for a bargain $360 in a Sedo auction.
He has previously promoted One Domain, Two Men, Twelve Years and the Brutal Battle for the Jewel in the Internet’s Crown on, but says it makes more sense to use the .com.
The book, which is very entertaining, chronicles the fight for control of between original registrant Gary Kremen and the conman Stephen Cohen, who stole it in the mid-1990s.
McCarthy tells me he’s had some Hollywood interest in his story, so his new domain could turn out to be a worthwhile investment.

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