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Nominet to intercept dangerous coronavirus domains

Kevin Murphy, March 24, 2020, 07:41:11 (UTC), Domain Registries

Nominet, the .uk registry, will start providing informational landing pages when it suspends domains for criminal behavior including coronavirus-related scams.
The company already suspends tens of thousands of domains every year at the request of law enforcement agencies.
The vast majority are related to intellectual property infringement such as counterfitting and piracy. A substantially smaller number are suspended due to the sale of fake pharmaceuticals.
Rather than Nominet suspending these domains, stopping them resolving, they will now instead resolve to landing pages “providing consumer advice and education”.
It’s similar to how the FBI handles domains it has seized during criminal investigations in the US, but Nominet says it’s the first example in the world of such a program being rolled out by a registry.
The first LEAs taking part in the program are the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency and the City of London’s Police Intellectual Property Crime Unit.
While Nominet pitched the news as coronavirus-related, the timing appears to be coincidental.
The company first announced its landing page plan last October, when it was opened to public consultation.
A MHRA spokesperson said in a Nominet press release that suspended domains will redirect to its “#fakemeds website”, which currently has a great deal to say about penis pills but nothing at all to say about coronavirus.

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