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Two new TLDs to be approved next week

Kevin Murphy, October 6, 2011, 08:41:43 (UTC), Domain Registries

ICANN is set to approve two new country-code top-level domains next week – .cw and .sx – for the year-old nations of Curacao and Sint Maarten.
The two countries were created when the Netherlands Antilles split last October.
The ICANN board of directors plans to rubber-stamp the delegations of both ccTLDs next Tuesday, according to the consent agenda for its meeting.
It also plans to vote on the “transition” arrangements for the Netherlands Antilles’ .an, which is now a ccTLD without a country.
The .an space won’t be the first TLD to be deprecated. Yugoslavia’s .yu disappeared in March last year, for example, a few years after Serbia and Montenegro acquired their own ccTLDs.
The recipient of .sx is expected to be SX Registry, a joint venture of Luxembourg registry startup OpenRegistry and Canadian registrar MediaFusion.
OpenRegistry CEO Jean-Christophe Vignes said that if ICANN votes for the delegation the company will start talks with potential registrar partners at the ICANN Dakar meeting later this month.
MediaFusion and Vignes’ alma mater EuroDNS have already been approved to act as .sx registrars.
The company plans to use CHIP, the ClearingHouse for Intellectual Property, for its sunrise period.
Anyone with a .an registration predating December 2010 will be able to request the equivalent .sx name under a grandfathering program the company plans to launch.
It will be the first TLD that OpenRegistry has provided the back-end infrastructure for.

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Comments (5)

  1. Jay says:

    I wonder how many training sessions they are ultimately going to come out? It seems like every few weeks there something new out. I usually just stick with the basics, has some great expired domains they can get you started making money easily. Until some of these new extensions become a little more known, people typically stay away. Good luck!

  2. says:

    The extension .sx .cw sounds pretty BAD !
    Who wants to buy these extensions…

  3. says:

    Sound horrible extensions….look bad extension as well…

  4. says:

    Sound horrible extensions….look bad as well…
    Stick to .com or .CO…may be .xxx ……

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