ICM offers free .xxx domains to porn stars
ICM Registry and Name.com have teamed up to give a free one-year .xxx domain name registration to 3,500 selected porn stars.
It’s part of ICM’s Adult Performer Program, which saw these performers’ names initially reserved.
According to ICM, Name.com has pre-paid for the first year’s registration, valid until February 3 next year, but participating individuals will of course be free to move to another registrar if they choose.
That works out to $210,000 in registry fees, if I’m understanding the deal correctly, which seems like a bit of a risk given the general hostility to .xxx from the mainstream porn industry.
Name.com charges $84.99 for .xxx domains.
The Adult Performer Program came in for a bit of criticism last year, when some actresses tried to defensively register their names not realizing they had been reserved.
It will be interesting to see how both the performers and the consumers respond to this. On the talent side, unless they are also producers, most performers own very little content. So, now they have these websites, but nothing to put on them.
On the consumer side, what will be the expectations? Certainly, when a performer visits teaganpresley.xxx, he’ll expect to find her performances in her biggest movies. But, if she posts her performances from her biggest movies, she’ll receive DMCA notices just like any other webmaster trying to peddle pirated content. So, what will be the relationship between the consumer’s expectations and that which the consumer actually finds?
This is probably the smartest move they’ve made, but begs the question: Why wouldn’t they have done this at the time of launching the extension when it’s getting the most press attention?
I’m a Hall of Fame porn star, and my “Dave Cummings” name is Trade Marked (Google “Dave Cummings” to confirm that I am indeed a porn star).
.xxx, IMHO, does not seem to be important to many in the Adult Industry.