ICANN dragging its feet on new gTLD refunds?
Former new gTLD applicants are having to wait for months to have their deposits refunded by ICANN, according to two companies that withdrew applications before Reveal Day.
One company withdrew four applications and requested a refund on May 7, some weeks before the TLD Application System closed to new applicants, according to the consultancy Sedari.
But the company, a Sedari client, is still waiting for the return of its $20,000 TAS access fee over four months later, according to Sedari.
Another applicant, GJB Partners, filed a complaint with the California Attorney General in July after waiting for over a month for the refund of a $185,000 application fee.
According to the complaint, the application was withdrawn June 6, a week before Reveal Day, after the company had TAS password problems and suspected foul play.
The company eventually received its refund July 11, shortly after filing the AG complaint.
Sedari’s client has yet to received its refunds, according to the company.
Are any other readers experiencing similar problems?
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Yes, We had to wait three (3) months for the 185 000 $ refund for our one and only application. We withdrew our application on the 13th of april, weeks before TAS closing.
We had to send tons of messages to ICANN to push them. We nearly hired a law firm.
The ICANN Ombudsman has a mandate to deal with delay. I am waiting…
I’ve privately heard from one other applicant who’s still waiting for refunds of TAS fees requested in May.
Tell them to contact me
The complaint form-or just email me at ombudsman@icann.org. If I get this soon i am in Los Angeles and can ask directly