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Bulgaria to file ICANN reconsideration appeal over rejected IDN ccTLD

Kevin Murphy, June 27, 2010, 02:22:22 (UTC), Domain Registries

Bulgaria is to appeal ICANN’s rejection of .бг, the Cyrillic version of its existing country code top-level domain, .bg.
Technology minister Alexander Tsvetkov said that the Bulgarian government will file a reconsideration request with ICANN, according to a interview.
The requested IDN ccTLD .бг was rejected because it looks quite a bit like Brazil’s existing ASCII ccTLD, .br, which could create confusion for Brazilians.
ICANN/IANA does not talk openly about ccTLD delegation issues. As far as I know, .бг is the only IDN ccTLD on the current fast-track program to be rejected on string-similarity grounds.
The Darik News interview, via Google Translate, reports Tsvetkov saying he “believes that this domain is the best way for Bulgaria” and that the government “will ask for reconsideration”.
Asked about the clash with Brazil, he said Bulgaria “will not quit” in its pursuit of its first-choice ccTLD.
Brazil has not been silent on the issue.
During the meeting on Tuesday between the ICANN board and its Governmental Advisory Committee, Brazil’s representative praised ICANN for rejecting .бг:

Brazil would like to express its support to the recent board’s decision about avoiding graphic similitude between new country codes and current country codes in Latin. This is particularly important inasmuch as any graphic confusion might facilitate phishing practices and all the problems related to it.

Many thanks to the Bulgarian reader who referred me to this Darik News interview.
For any other Bulgarians reading this, the interview also appears to contain lots of other really juicy information not related to domain names. Check it out.

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  1. […] Bulgaria to file ICANN reconsideration appeal over rejected IDN ccTLD […]

  2. […] Bulgaria to file ICANN reconsideration appeal over rejected IDN ccTLD […]

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