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New gTLD plans November 30 sunrise

Kevin Murphy, September 20, 2013, 15:32:51 (UTC), Domain Registries

I-Registry, which signed an ICANN Registry Agreement for the new gTLD .onl this week, plans to launch its Sunrise period on November 30, according to the company.
It’s the first date for a new gTLD Sunrise period I’ve come across to date, though it is of course an informal target rather than a firm commitment.
ICANN has signed contracts covering a few dozen gTLDs but as yet none have been delegated. As anyone who has been following dotShabaka’s diary on DI will know, there’s still a lot of uncertainty
.onl, which is short for “online”, is expected to be an open gTLD with no registration restrictions.
I-Registry plans to donate a portion of its profits to charity.

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Comments (5)

  1. Pinky Brand says:

    Good luck on that. I fail to see how that is going to happen considering the IDNs are ICANN’s stated priority and so many other issues need to be resolved before any TLD is delegated.

  2. Frank M says:

    .onl = How cool is this! .online sucks anyway, its too long and old fashioned. And look at the (non)success of everthing that is longer than 3 letters.
    .onl is like .lol, .goo and other trendy short new TLDs.

    • Kevin Murphy says:

      I can’t tell if you’re serious or not.
      In a world with hundreds of gTLDs, I struggle to imagine any scenario in which somebody would register a .onl domain.

  3. Tobias says:

    With only about 35 registrars under RAA 2013 and about 6 registrars with access to TMCH, the 30th November is ambitious. Let’s see.

  4. Excitemental says:

    i just don’t get .onl there are going to be so many of these extensions that it will get confusing to the general public.

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