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Six more gTLD contracts signed

Kevin Murphy, October 28, 2013, 06:40:26 (UTC), Domain Registries

ICANN signed six more new gTLD Registry Agreements on Friday, bringing the week’s total to eight.
Donuts added .cab, .computer and .support to its rapidly expanding portfolio of generics, while its partner United TLD (Demand Media) added .dance.
GMO Registry, which had teething troubles during Initial Evaluation before switching back-end providers, signed a contract for the Japanese geographic .nagoya.
Finally, Spanish clothing company Punto Fa, S.L., trading as MANGO, got the dot-brand .mango.
ICANN now has 72 new gTLD RAs, the first four of which have gone live.

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Comments (1)

  1. Also congratulations to .BERLIN and .WIEN, both of which signed their agreements this week-end during the newdomains meeting.

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