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Nine Donuts gTLDs delegated

Kevin Murphy, November 6, 2013, 19:28:31 (UTC), Domain Registries

Donuts has had a batch of nine new gTLDs delegated to the DNS root today.
The nine strings are: .ventures, .camera, .clothing, .lighting, .singles, .voyage, .guru, .holdings and .equipment.
All belong to various Donuts subsidiaries that have signed Registry Agreements with ICANN over the last few months.
At this precise moment it does not seem that any have their basic “nic.” second-level domains active and resolving, but all are appearing in the DNS root zone.
Earlier today, Donuts announced the sunrise dates for the first seven gTLDs in its portfolio.
The company already has one gTLD delegated, the Chinese-script version of “.games”.

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Comments (7)

  1. .Clothing is my personal favorite 🙂

  2. Robb says:

    … And so it begins.

  3. Acro says:

    It’s now almost a dozen donuts!

  4. ChuckWagen says:

    Nice to see that .ventures is in the pipeline. Start surfing!

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