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Google’s first new gTLD hits the root

Kevin Murphy, November 28, 2013, 10:26:11 (UTC), Domain Registries

Google has become the latest new gTLD registry with a string live in the DNS root.
Its .みんな — Japanese for “everyone” — was delegated by ICANN last night. The URL resolves already to, the name of Google’s registry subsidiary.
Google plans to operate it as an open, unrestricted namespace, aimed at Japanese-speaking registrants.
It’s the fifth internationalized domain name to go live and one of only three IDN applications from Google.
Google has 96 more active new gTLD applications, 57 of which are contested.

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Comments (2)

  1. Kassey says:

    さあ行こう 。みな
    Actually, I fail to see any commercial value in this gTLD.

  2. Google have the world’s first “All Japanese” domain name http://はじめよう.みんな

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