Final .eco applicant completes evaluation
Planet Dot Eco has finally passed its ICANN evaluation, meaning the four-way contention set for one of the oldest public new gTLD ideas, .eco, can move forward a little.
In its Initial Evaluation last August, the company scored a miserable 1 point on its financial evaluation, failing to hit the target of 8 points, and scored a 0 on one of its technical criteria.
But with the Extended Evaluation results published today (pdf), Planet Dot Eco managed to scrape passing scores on both parts of the evaluation.
This means that the .eco contention set, which also includes Donuts, Minds + Machines and Big Room, is no longer being held up by evaluations.
However, Big Room’s is a Community application and the company has indicated that it will go for a Community Priority Evaluation.
Unless Big Room wins the CPE (which strikes me as unlikely), that will also delay any possibility of contention resolution.
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.ECO(R) Makes Final 4!
UPDATE: planet.ECO WINS .ECO® and gets victory in 10 year fight over .eco.
As Allemann’s dated articles appears at the top of .ECO Google news continue to mis-inform the public, we provide the truth…
On May 7, 2019 after wasting another 2 more years of the U.S. government’s precious time and resources, Big Room Inc’s December 15, 2016 “.eco” trademark case against planet .ECO® LLC was rejected. In this 5th attempt Big Room Inc. was finally Dismissed with Prejudice by the United States Trademark Trial and Appeal Board.
After Big Room Inc’s final dismissal – planet .ECO® was issued 2 new .ECO trademarks from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) in addition to its incontestable trademark covering .ECO Internet Domain Name Services, registered since 2009.
On July 23, 2019 the USPTO issued .ECO Registration No. 5813887 – for “Computerized database management,” in Class 35
On September 3, 2019 the USPTO also issued .ECO Registration No. 5851826 – for “advertising and marketing services…” in Class 35.
On September 4, 2019 the USPTO also rejected Big Room Inc’s application to perform .ECO Registry Operator Services –
According to a Department of Commerce representative, the agency did not award Big Room Inc. rights to operate the .eco Registry.
Since 2010 planet .ECO® has prevailed in all 6 Federal Trademark proceedings brought forth by Big Room and TLDH.
Which makes you a squatter, not a registry.
We leave it up to a judge to determine exactly what the registry operator did or did not do.
They may indeed have squatted, as you suggest.
We leave it up to a judge to determine exactly what the registry operator did or did not do.
They may indeed have squatted, as you suggest.