ARI and Radix split on all new gTLD bids
Radix no longer plans to use ARI Registry Services for any of its new gTLDs, I’ve learned.
The company has already publicly revealed that CentralNic is to be its back-end registry services provider for .space, .host, .website and .press, but multiple reliable sources say the deal extends to its other 23 applications too.
I gather that the split with ARI wasn’t entirely amicable and had money at its root, but I’m a bit fuzzy on the specifics.
The four announced switches are the only four currently uncontested strings Radix has applied for.
Of Radix’s remaining active applications, the company has only so far submitted a change request to ICANN — which I gather is a very expensive process — on one, .online.
For the other 22, ARI is still listed as the back-end provider in the applications, which have all passed evaluation.
Radix is presumably waiting until after its contention sets get settled before it goes to the expense of submitting change requests.
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ARI opens new office in India to cut costs
Delhi, India – 1 April 2014: ARI Registry Services is pleased to announce today the opening of an office in Delhi, India which will become the company’s headquarters for new Top-Level Domain Registry services.
The opening of the Delhi office comes in response to market demands for cheaper back-end Registry service providers.
(full text at the URL above)
I’ve met Ray Dicks. He’s a complete tool.