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.sucks made millions from sunrise

Kevin Murphy, June 21, 2015, 14:15:48 (UTC), Domain Registries

Vox Populi could have made over $6 million from defensive registrations during its sunrise period.
The company’s first post-sunrise zone file was published today, and according to DI PRO it contains 3,394 domains, the vast majority of which were newly added today.
If all of these names were sunrise registrations, that would add up to an almost $6.8 million windfall for the registry.
However, I don’t think that’s a completely reliable figure. I believe that not all of the names are from sunrise.
The zone file seems to have been generated after .sucks general availability kicked off at a minute after midnight UTC this morning. ICANN publishes zone files around 5am UTC but the time it collects them from registries can vary between TLDs.
Poring over Whois records, I’ve found many examples of domains in the .sucks zone that have creation dates in the early minutes and hours of GA.
Many domains that are not obvious trademarks show creation times in the first 60 seconds of GA, suggesting they were pre-orders and sold for GA prices.
It’s also probable that some sunrise names are not showing up in the zone file yet due to a lack of name servers.
According to a source talking to DI last November, Vox Pop paid “over $3 million” for the right to run .sucks at auction.
It seems to have made its money back — and then some — purely from sunrise fees.
Sunrise names are charged at $1,999 a year by the registry. In GA, most names have a recommended retail price of $250. Strings considered valuable, many of them trademarks, carry a $2,500 “Market Premium” recommended price.

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Comments (4)

  1. You are correct that not all are sunrise domains.
    They have probably already made about 3 million by now.

  2. Rubens Kuhl says:

    So, the criteria that highest bidder wins led to the applicant with the most unpalatable plan getting the string ? That’s a hard lesson for the community.

  3. Domenclature says:

    I haven’t checked, but I’m suspecting that a major proxy on online trademark protections for major corporations, probably, cunningly, is wasting his clients’ monies registering these stuff.
    It’d be interesting to know if most of these registrants originate from a handful of trademark assistance firms.

  4. Domenclature says:

    It is inexplicable to me why a Corporation, that is aware of the New gTLd program, would only be concerned about the negative ones such as .SUCKS; why wouldn’t also be interested in the positive ones such as .ROCKS?
    A rational actor, and I consider these corporations such, would be aware of the plethora, or rather proliferation of these TLDs, and would be more interested in maximizing utility, rather than defense.
    Let’s take a look at SUCKS.
    Sucks as a verb has many synonyms, for example: sip, sup, siphon, slurp, draw, drink…
    As a noun, it relates to act of involving (sucking) you into something you hadn’t planned to get involved with;
    perhaps, the third, and possibly the nefarious meaning that the newgtld is riding high on is the colloquial meaning, which denotes “bad” or “rubbish”, a mere slang.
    Is this why someone will spend thousands of dollars protecting in an obscure new string? Even tho the dotCOM versions are unregistered, or at least the synonyms, and other combinations are unregistered for less than $15 in well known TLDs?
    Come on, let’s be serious here. Very few of these registrations are legit. There’s gotta be an inside job somewhere.
    I will only count a .SUCKS registration as legitimate if the same registrant registered a .ROCKS.

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