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Sunrise accounts for under 1% of new gTLD regs

Kevin Murphy, September 16, 2015, 10:46:12 (UTC), Domain Registries

New gTLD registries can expect just 125 sunrise registrations on average, according to statistics just released by ICANN.
The new data, current as of May 2015, also shows that there have been just 44,077 sunrise registrations in total, over 417 new gTLDs.
That’s less than 1% of the total number of new gTLD domain registrations to that date.
The numbers were published in a revised version of ICANN’s Revised Report on Rights Protections Mechanisms, a discussion paper on mechanisms such as sunrise, Trademark Claims and URS.
It also contains the first authoritative breakdown of sunrise regs by TLD, though it’s limited to the 20 largest.
Many of these numbers match closely what DI has previously reported, but .porn and .adult are substantially lower because ICM Registry only revealed consolidated numbers that took account of its unique non-TMCH sunrise periods.
None of the ICANN figures include .sucks, which hit sunrise after the numbers were compiled in May.

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Comments (1)

  1. Judging from the list a marketing effort does pay off. ICM already had direct contact to all .xxx registrants so it was easier for them to promote .adult and .porn (and .sex). Ben Crawford and his team did a great PR job when launching .london. So did Monica Kirchner from .luxury appearing on CNN etc.

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