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Viking victor in .cruise gTLD auction

Kevin Murphy, October 2, 2015, 10:23:27 (UTC), Domain Registries

Viking River Cruises has emerged as the winner of the .cruise new gTLD contention set.
It seems to have beaten Cruise Lines International Association, which has withdrawn the only competing application, in an auction.
Both applicants originally proposed a single-registrant model, in which only the registry could own domains, but changed their plans after ICANN adopted Governmental Advisory Committee advice against so-called “closed generic” gTLDs.
There was controversy in July when CLIA claimed Viking had waited too long to change its proposed registration policies.
The group accused Viking of deliberately delaying the contention set.
ICANN, however, rejected its argument, saying applicants can submit change requests at any time.
Viking’s updated application seems to envisage something along the lines of .travel, where registration is limited to credentialed industry members, defined as:

Applicant and its Affiliates, agents, network providers and others involved in the delivery of cruise-related services, including without limitation: companies that hold a license from a governmental or regulatory body to offer cruise services, companies that provide services or equipment to cruise providers, as well as consultants, resellers, engineers, etc., working with the cruise industry.

Viking is already the registry for its dot-brand, .viking.

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Comments (2)

  1. John Berryhill says:

    One can only imagine in rapt anticipation the endless stream of blog comments to be precipitated by the eventual registration of

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