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.xyz tops 5 million domains as penny deals continue

Kevin Murphy, June 3, 2016, 19:23:50 (UTC), Domain Registries became the first new gTLD operator to top five million domains in a single TLD last night, when .xyz added almost 1.5 million names.
According to our parse of today’s zone file, .xyz has 5,096,589 names, up 1,451,763 on yesterday’s 3,644,826.
On Monday, the number was just under 2.8 million.
The massive spike came after what was supposed to be the final day of a three-day discounting blitz, as registrars sold the names for $0.02, $0.01 or even nothing.
Uniregistry, which sold for a penny, seems to have claimed the lion’s share of the regs.
The company supplied DI with data showing it had processed over 1.16 million registrations on June 2, about 90% of which CEO Frank Schilling said were .xyz sales.
At its peak, Uniregistry created 95,793 new domains in an hour, this data shows.
Judging by the numbers published on its home page, the registrar has pretty much doubled its domains under management overnight.
The rapid growth of .xyz is very probably not over.
Some registrars said they will carry on with the penny giveaways for an extra day.
At least one popular registrar, NameCheap, told irritated customers that the popularity of its $0.02 offer meant it had a backlog of registration requests that would take 12 to 24 hours to process. Those may not have showed up in the zone file yet.
In addition, .xyz prices are expected to be dirt cheap — just $0.18 at Uniregistry, for example — for the rest of the month, at least at the 50-odd registrars XYZ says are participating in its promotion.

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Comments (4)

  1. YamadaMedia says:

    With great registrations comes massive drops. 🙂

  2. Its in googles best interest to keep new TLDs dirt cheap so that their google ads clients continue to grow.This strategy feeds their vast armies of SEO advocates jobs by locking their Google Ads base into their Garden Maze of numerous businesses who are lost in their digital coding system. this Google inspired TRAP funnels or steers traffic away from them and channels this traffic to their ads customers most feared competitors. So if you think Google wants your company to stand out in their highly collusive traffic maze with a .COM extension site, you are sadly confused. Google is highly supportive of your online business being very hard to find, and lost within their Traffic stealing maze. They love New GTLDS, thats why you should not.

  3. The new TLDs that are all Google Ad supported are a win win for Google( NOT true for Investors in new TLDs. )Google acquires vast swarms of new Google ad subscribers by all these new Spam advertisers and enlarges their Traffic to be easily manipulated, while growing their ad base.
    The new TLD investors are actually helping GOOGLE cement more companies into their already vast and unmanageable network. This strategy feeds their vast armies of SEO advocates jobs by locking their Google Ads base into their Garden Maze of numerous businesses who are lost in their digital coding system. this Google inspired TRAP funnels or steers traffic away from them and channels this traffic to their ads customers most feared competitors. This Shell Game Google Wins and you the investor in new TLDS lose.
    So if you want to help Google destabilize the DNSs Stability buy new TLDs. If you want to control all traffic that comes to your .COM site ,keeping your traffic safe from the Google traffic stealing Matrix you need to create .COM sub-domains with the new TLDs generic equivalent without the risks of new TLDs. This is what the really smart money is buying .COMs. NOT NEW TLDs
    Big winners in new TLD adoption are Google Ads, GOOGLE AD Salesmen , Advertising Companies,SEO suppliers ICANN, Registrars, Registrys, and the BIG losers are Domainers. Getting the picture?
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master )

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