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Radix claims 77% renewal rates after two years

Kevin Murphy, November 14, 2017, 14:38:19 (UTC), Domain Registries

New gTLD registry Radix says that three of its larger TLDs have seen a 77% renewal rate two years after launch.
The company said today that .online had 75% renewals, with .tech at 78% and .site at 81%.
It appears to have carved out these three from its portfolio for attention, ignoring the rest of its portfolio, because they all went to general availability in the same two-month period July and August 2015.
The renewal rates are for the first month of GA. In other words, 77% of the domains registered in the TLDs’ respective first month have been renewed for a third year.
Radix, in a press release, compared the numbers favorably to .com and .net, which had a combined renewal rate of 74% in the second quarter according to Verisign’s published numbers.
It’s probably not a fully fair apples-to-apples comparison. Domains registered in the first month of GA are likely higher-quality names registered by in-the-know early adopters, and therefore less likely to be dropped, whereas .com and .net have decades of renewal cycles behind them.
Radix also said that 86% of domains registered during the three TLDs’ sunrise periods and Early Access Periods are still being renewed, with .tech at 92% and .site at 88%.

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Comments (4)

  1. ThcNames says:

    I’m calling BS on those numbers.

    • #MeToo says:

      Yeah, I gotta call it out too. The new .SH$T gtlds stink more than a turd on a hot summer day. Now way will I believe otherwise.

  2. Hey Kevin, the above renewal rate is only for .site, .tech because Radix’s other extensions .website, .host, .press were launched in 2014 and surpassed their 2nd renewal cycle last year.

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