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Co-founder Nevett leaves Donuts

Kevin Murphy, October 18, 2018, 07:50:57 (UTC), Domain Registries

Donuts executive vice president of corporate affairs Jon Nevett has left the company, Donuts said yesterday.
He’s the last of the four co-founders of the new gTLD portfolio owner to step aside from their original roles over the last couple of years.
There’s no word on whether he’s got a new gig lined up, but given the recent acquisition of Donuts by Abry Partners, which gave the founders the opportunity to dispose of their shares, Nevett presumably will be in no rush.
Donuts said in a statement that Nevett, who led policy at the company, will continue to act as an advisor.
He follows Dan Schindler and Richard Tindal as co-founders who have since left the company.
Founding CEO Paul Stahura stepped into the executive chair role a couple of years ago to make way for Bruce Jaffe, who led the firm through its merger with Rightside and subsequent sale to Abry.
Jaffe himself will leave next month to allow former ICANN bigwig Akram Atallah into the hot seat. Former ICANN CEO Fadi Chehade is one of Abry’s lead overseers of Donuts.

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