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The DNS’s former overseer now has its own domain name

Kevin Murphy, March 19, 2019, 13:38:22 (UTC), Domain Policy

The National Telecommunications and Information Administration, which for many years was the instrument of the US government’s oversight of the DNS root zone, has got its first proper domain name.
It’s been operating at forever, but today announced that it’s upgrading to the second-level
The agency said the switch “will make NTIA’s site consistent with most other Department of Commerce websites”.
Staff there will also get new email addresses, starting from today. Their old addresses will continue to forward.
NTIA was part of the DNS root management triumvirate, along with ICANN/IANA and Verisign, until the IANA transition in 2016.
The agency still has a contractual relationship with Verisign concerning the operation of .com.

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