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Donuts raises prices on most TLDs by up to 9%

Kevin Murphy, April 2, 2019, 18:00:20 (UTC), Domain Registries

Portfolio registry Donuts is to jack up prices on most of its 241 gTLDs by up to 9% later this year.
Base-rate price increases of between 6% and 9% will his 220 TLDs, while 16 will remain at their current pricing.
The increases, which do not affect registry-reserved “premium” domains, will likely mean an increase of a few dollars in most cases.
(UPDATE: Donuts says the average price increase is about $1.75.)
Five gTLDs will see their prices reduced. Donuts said .group will see a 35% price reduction. It currently sells for about $30 a year at GoDaddy.
The prices were announced to registrars yesterday and, due to ICANN rules, will not come into effect until October 1.
Registrants are able to lock in their current pricing for up to 10 years by renewing before that deadline.

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