Could .cpa be the most successful new gTLD sunrise yet?
The registry for the new .cpa gTLD reckons it has received “thousands” of applications for domains during its current launch period, potentially making it the most successful gTLD sunrise since 2012.
The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, which manages the TLD, said today:
Well over half of the 100 biggest U.S. firms — as well as an equally large percentage of the next 400 — have begun advancing their applications as part of the early phase of the .cpa registration process, which launched on Sept. 1.
Assuming “thousands” means at least 2,000, this would make .cpa a top three or four sunrise, judging by figures collected by ICANN showing Google’s .app the current volume leader at 2,908.
But we can’t assume that all the .cpa domains boasted of are trademark-verified sunrise period applications under ICANN’s rules.
AICPA is running a simultaneous Limited Registration Period during which any CPA firm can apply for domains that are “most consistent with their current digital branding” — ie, no trademark required.
Both of these periods end October 31, after which the registry will dole out domains in a batch, presumably giving preference to the sunrise applicants.
We have to assume the amount of purely defensive registrations will be relatively low, due to AICPA’s policies.
Not only are registrants limited to licensed CPA companies and individuals, but registrants have to commit to redirect their .cpa domain to their existing web site within a month and deploy a full web site within a year.
.cpa domains sell for $225 a year, according to the registry. General availability is scheduled for January 15.
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.com’r have no regard for any such news until there are 10,000,000 .cpa domains registered. Even then, it won’t even be 1/10th the size of .com’s bloated zone – hence, a waste of time and everyone’s money.
This is news? Look: there’s usually a 5 figure .com sale everyday. Tow the line!!
Domaining recommends these silly companies stick to the .com! After all, once they become a fortune 500, they will *NEED* the .com. So this is all good news regardless. Their .coms are becoming more valuable by the day!
If nTLD are best thing that ever happened to .com investors, I don’t get why they’re so upset over them…