Greek .eu domains to be deleted
EURid has started warning registrants that their Greek-script .eu domains will be deleted this year.
The names will no longer work after November 14, the company said yesterday.
It’s part of the registry’s three-year plan to phase out mixed-script internationalized domain names, which are considered poor security practice.
The affected domains are Greek-script names, not IDN.IDN names using the Greek-script .ευ.
.ευ was introduced in 2019, after an amusingly Kafkaesque, yet typically ICANN, decade-long effort to crowbar the ccTLD through its IDN Fast Track rules.
Because EURid had been accepting Greek-script second-level names under its base Latin .eu domain for some time, it grandfathered existing registrants by “cloning” their .eu names into .ευ, albeit with only a three-year lifespan.
There were only 2,694 .ευ domains registered at the end of 2021, so one must assume that the number of domains on the deleting list must be smaller.
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