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Gandi says it supports Ukraine but WON’T cut off Russians

Kevin Murphy, March 3, 2022, 17:19:59 (UTC), Domain Registrars

Gandi has become the latest large registrar to issue a statement about the war in Ukraine, saying that while it deplores the violence it won’t be disconnecting Russian customers.

CEO Stephan Ramoin wrote that Gandi “condemns” the invasion and is “working on supporting Ukraine, according to the suggestions of our Ukrainian tech colleagues”, adding:

The internet is about including all humanity and working toward a greater goal, giving every human being a voice and a clear vision of the world, not excluding and antagonizing one group of people against another. That’s why we want to support the people of Russia and Belarus expressing their disagreement with this war. We don’t need to escalate, war is not the answer.

Cutting off Russians and Belarusians would only encourage the creation of different closed worlds and digital networks. We have chosen to hold out our hand to these people. We are not at war with them. Only their leaders, and their madness, need to be stopped. We will of course react quickly against war propaganda of any kind.

The statement follows those coming from Namecheap and IONOS, which have both this week announced their intentions to remove most Russian and Belarusian customers.

Based in Paris, Gandi is one of the oldest registrars and has over 1.3 million gTLD domains under management.

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