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.music gets its first live web site

Kevin Murphy, December 20, 2022, 08:20:17 (UTC), Domain Registries

The .music gTLD may be still officially unlaunched, but it got its first live anchor tenant this week after the DotMusic registry joined a partnership aimed at making translated lyrics more accessible.

DotMusic said it has become part of an initiative called BELEM, for “Boosting European Lyrics and their Entrepreneurial Monetisation”. Given that the entire namespace of .music is currently available, one wonders why such a contrived acronym was chosen.

The project, which is funded with €2 million of European Union money, has a live web site managed by DotMusic at It’s the first .music site to go live other than the mandatory registry hub.

BELEM is out to get lyrics in various European languages translated by humans and the translations licensed to streaming services.

It has 14 other partners, including Canadian lyrics licensing company LyricFind and French streaming service Deezer, which plans to roll out one-click translations based on the new service.

The aim, the group says, is to “break down cultural barriers and further support artists’ monetisation of their works”.

For DotMusic, it’s an anchor tenant perhaps more noticeable to the music industry than to the public at large.

The .music gTLD has been live in the root for over two years now, and there’s still no published launch plan.

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