NetSol to alert cops over domain hijacking
Network Solutions intends to “notify the proper authorities” after a high-profile customer had his account hijacked over the weekend.
Stephen Toulouse, head of policy and enforcement for Microsoft’s Xbox LIVE, lost access to, including his web site and email, for several hours yesterday, after a disgruntled teenaged gamer persuaded a member of NetSol’s support staff to hand over the account.
In a statement published on its blog, the domain name registrar said it was an “isolated incident directed at a specific customer account”, adding:
We maintain a well developed processes to ensure that Social Engineering attempts or any identified security concerns are immediately alerted to a Supervisor, who will expedite the investigation, usually with the help of the Network Solutions Security team. In this case, the procedure was not followed, and we apologize for any trouble caused to our customer.
Our Security team continues to investigate this matter. Additionally, because we take this matter very seriously, we intend to notify the proper authorities with the evidence that we have gathered, so that they may investigate the person(s) responsible for the fraud.
According to a new YouTube video released by the person claiming responsibility for the attack, “Predator”, he’s 15. He blamed Toulouse for his frequent Xbox LIVE bannings.
While he said he perpetrated the attack to highlight insecurities in Xbox LIVE, he also offered to hijack other gamers’ accounts for up to $250.
Comments posted in response to his first post-attack video claim to reveal his true identity, but of course comments on YouTube are not what you’d call reliable evidence.
The video itself does reveal a fair bit of information, however, so I can’t imagine tracking him down will be too difficult, especially if Microsoft has his parents’ credit card number on file.
His YouTube channel also has videos of him operating a botnet. That’s a whole lot more serious.
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