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Twenty registrars canned in 2009

Kevin Murphy, April 30, 2010, 14:36:52 (UTC), Domain Registrars

ICANN shut down 20 domain name registrars in 2009, and is on course to do the same this year, according to numbers released today.
That’s up from seven de-accreditations in 2008, and twice as many as the previous record year, 2003.
ICANN can withdraw accreditation from a registrar, stopping its ability to register domains, if the registrar fails to escrow Whois information or pay its ICANN dues.
It looks like 2010 could well see a similar level of de-accreditations.
Five registrars were shuttered in the first quarter, and ICANN has sent warnings to five more this month.

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Comments (2)

  1. Jim Fleming says:

    What is also interesting are the Top 10 Registrars selected
    for the .CO roll-out. That is not an ICANN Process.
    Before ICANN, almost anyone could be a Registrar. ISPs
    and web designers had direct access to the so-called
    In the new DNS, based on a SCUBA Architecture, the
    domains are in the customer CPE. There is no central
    colo Registry. The Network IS the Registry.

  2. […] Twenty registrars canned in 2009 […]

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