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Win $4,000 of conference tickets

Kevin Murphy, August 3, 2011, Domain Services

I have four free passes for the upcoming conference, a total value of $4,000, which I will be giving away to lucky DomainIncite readers over the coming week.
The conference, the first in Europe to focus purely on the opportunities and challenges in ICANN’s new generic top-level domains program, is due to run September 26-27 in Munich, Germany.
The organizer, United-Domains, has generously offered to give four free “Full Conference” passes to DI readers. These are currently selling for €699 ($1,000) each.
The passes include full access to the panels (which will all be conducted in English) and the exhibits, as well as dinner, lunches and ample networking opportunities.
The prizes do not include transport to or accommodation in Munich. The passes also do not include the social event at the Oktoberfest beer festival scheduled for the second night.
See the site for ticket details.
I’ve agreed to participate in two of the conference panel discussions, but don’t let that put you off.
Competition Day One
There will be four random draws conducted over the coming week, with one ticket for each winner.
To be in with a chance to win the first pass, simply leave a comment on this post answering the following questions:

1) Which new gTLD(s) do you think will be successful?
2) Why?

You can define “successful” in any way you want. I will use the random number sequence generator at to select the winning order of comments, so there’s no “correct” or “best” answer.
It doesn’t have to be an already-announced gTLD bid. Any string(s) you think will be successful as a gTLD is acceptable. If you want to plug your own application, that’s okay too.
But anybody who answers “1) .com, 2) because it’s king” will be automatically disqualified.
The closing time for entries is 1159 UTC, Sunday August 7, judged by the time-stamp on the comment. The winner will be announced here on Monday. One entry per person.
Make sure to leave your comment using a genuine email address, as that is the method I’ll use to hook the winner up with the conference organizers.
The draw will be completely fair, so no asking for favors. In true ICANN spirit, if I suspect “gaming” is going on I reserve the right to unilaterally change the rules.
Okay, let’s see how this goes…

Another new gTLD consultancy launches

Kevin Murphy, July 12, 2011, Domain Services

ITEMS International, a Paris-based consulting firm, has launched a practice to specialize in helping new top-level domain applicants with their ICANN proposals.
The firm says it has more than 20 consultants on gTLD Team, based around Europe and North Africa, including one former ICANN board member and a few other ICANN regulars.
ITEMS says it has previously worked with the .fr registry, AFNIC, and has been contracted to support applications by the Burgundy Region Council and other undisclosed company.
It appears that the company plans to largely focus on geographic and dot-brand applications.

Short .uk domain landrush opens

Kevin Murphy, May 23, 2011, Domain Services

Nominet opened the landrush phase of its one and two-character .uk domain names within the last hour.
The landrush will see the remaining 2,640 super-short domains that have not already been claimed by trademark holders start to become available.
It costs £10 ($16) to apply, plus the cost of the registration. All contested domains will head to auction, the proceeds of which will be donated to the Nominet Trust.
The available domains are all in the,, and spaces. Restrictions may apply – for example domains are reserved for individuals.
The landrush will run until June 15. Uncontested domains will be allocated June 23, at which point all unclaimed domains will be released into the available pool. The auctions will kick off July 20.

‘Hostel’ director slams Go Daddy CEO

Kevin Murphy, March 31, 2011, Domain Services

Okay, this is getting weird.
Eli Roth, director of Hostel – one of the sickest horror films of recent years – has criticized Go Daddy CEO Bob Parsons for his controversial elephant-hunting video.
In a series of Twitter posts last night, Roth condemned Parsons for his video, saying, among other things: “It’s sick fucks like you that make me think Hostel could really happen.”
If you haven’t seen Hostel, it’s basically about an Eastern European gang that lets wealthy Americans torture and murder kidnapped backpackers in exchange for a hefty fee.
It’s just about as grim a movie as you could imagine.
Here’s a screenshot of some of Roth’s tweets.
Eli Roth tweets
Compounding the weirdness, Roth was later retweeted by Russell Crowe.

Kevin Murphy, March 31, 2011, Domain Services

Too many ideas, not enough time.
These are some of the stories I would have covered today, if only there were more hours in the day.
Joan Rivers dies after head transplant surgery
UK government banishes cybercrime sites to .au
Transparency review calls for ICANN reality show
UDRP panelist returns Taiwan to China
Bob Parsons shoots BigJumbo CEO
“Pigeon shit” blamed for Playboy plague
Hank Alvarez named ICANN compliance chief
Constantine Roussos says DNS needs “more cowbell”
NATO apologizes for bombing
Blacknight unveils leprechaun mascot
RIAA says .so domains “haven for piracy”
DomainTools merges with DomainJerks
BBC to apply for .cotton
ICANN successfully delays heat death of universe
Parsons apologizes, resurrects elephant
There’s at least 15 stupidly obscure in-jokes there. Probably more. How many did you “get” without Googling?
15 – Congratulations! You’re me. Or a potential future spouse. Call me!
10-14 – You truly are a domain name industry nerd, the depth and breadth of your knowledge covering both domaining and ICANN politicking. You’ve probably been to ICANN meetings and DomainFest. You should be both immensely proud and profoundly ashamed of yourself.
6-10 – I’m proud to have you as a reader. You’re exactly the type of well-balanced individual I’m hoping to attract to this site. Why not try visiting one of my advertisers and purchasing something?
1-5 – Must try harder! Your insight into the industry is sadly lacking. Perhaps consider subscribing to my RSS and Twitter feeds, which can be found at at the top of the left-hand sidebar, in order to bulk up your knowledge base.
0 — You appear to have visited this blog by mistake. Were you searching for “group porn”? I get a lot of hits for that. Nothing to see here, please move along.

dotMusic and ICANN execs form TLD consultancy

Kevin Murphy, March 11, 2011, Domain Services

Just what the world needs, another top-level domain consultancy.
Constantine Roussos, best known his campaign for .music, has teamed up with ICANN veteran Tina Dam to launch, promising to help applicants with their TLD bids.
Dam was senior director of internationalized domain names at ICANN, spearheading the IDN ccTLD Fast Track program, until she quit last December.
Those are good credentials, especially for supporting IDN TLD applicants.
Dam is currently critical of how ICANN’s Applicant Guidebook treats IDN TLDs, saying that the process is too expensive and does not effectively handle transliterations and translations.
Roussos is an entrepreneur, owner of, who has been pushing his own self-financed .music bid for the last couple of years.
A running joke at the recent .nxt conference was that he was once an “outsider” but has since been firmly institutionalized by the ICANN environment. He’s also critical of aspects of the Guidebook. is the latest of a series of companies to form over the last few months to provide consulting to potential TLD applicants.
Recently, domain investors Mike Berkens and Monte Cahn founded Right Of The Dot, which specializes in marketing and premium domain strategy.
And Alexa Raad, former CEO of the .org registry PIR, is currently plugging her new consulting play, Architelos.

WIPO launches global brand database

Kevin Murphy, March 8, 2011, Domain Services

The World Intellectual Property Organization has opened up a free, searchable web-based database of over 640,000 trademarks.
The slick new Global Brand Database is not related to domain names specifically, but could well prove an invaluable research tool for players in the space, especially for top-level domain applicants.
How useful it becomes will depend on how much the database grows. At the moment, it appears less than comprehensive.
WIPO said the interface currently provides access to three existing databases.
There’s the list of “armorial bearings, flags and other state emblems as well as the names, abbreviations and emblems of intergovernmental organizations” protected under the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property.
There’s the database of “appellations of origin” – geo-brands such as Champagne and Tequila – registered under the so-called Lisbon system.
Finally, and probably most interestingly, there’s international trademarks registered under the Madrid system, which is a way for companies to register their brands in multiple legal jurisdictions.
But don’t expect to find US trademarks, for example, listed in the database yet. WIPO said in its announcement that it plans to add national databases to the system in the future.

Google to crack down on “content farms”?

Kevin Murphy, January 21, 2011, Domain Services

Bad news for domain developers? Bad news for Demand Media?
Google is to take another look at how its search engine ranks “content farms”, according to a new blog post by principal engineer Matt Cutts.
In a discussion about search quality and web spam, Cutts wrote:

As “pure webspam” has decreased over time, attention has shifted instead to “content farms,” which are sites with shallow or low-quality content. In 2010, we launched two major algorithmic changes focused on low-quality sites. Nonetheless, we hear the feedback from the web loud and clear: people are asking for even stronger action on content farms and sites that consist primarily of spammy or low-quality content.

The post does not get into any details about what hearing feedback “loud and clear” means, but it certainly suggests that Google will rethink how low-quality content sites are ranked.
This could be problematic Demand Media, which generates a lot of its revenue from “content mill” sites such as eHow, which is widely derided but ranks highly for many searches.
Demand Media is on the verge of going public.
It might also not be great news for domain investors who choose to develop their domains with low-quality content, although I suspect that kind of site would be harder to detect than a large mill. crashes after Tucson shooting

Kevin Murphy, January 12, 2011, Domain Services

A gun blogger had his web site crash shortly after Saturday’s bloodbath in Tucson, Arizona, because he owns the domain name
To be clear, the domain has nothing to do with the failed assassination attempt on Rep Giffords. The blogger just likes shooting and he’s based in Tucson. He’s owned the domain since 2002.
In this video, he explains what happened to his site after the massacre, which killed six people.

The domain is the first hit in Google when you search for [tucson shooting], testifying to the power of a good SEO domain. It redirects to
The blogger notes:

Who in their right mind would think there’d be someone so opportunistic to capitalize on a tragedy like this by putting up a domain either ahead of time or so quickly?

Clearly, he hasn’t met many domainers.